Posted on October 3rd, 2024 in Message from the President

The IWCI is sad to report that attorney Christopher Cross passed away in his sleep on Saturday September 28, 2024. Chris was 63 years old.

Those who knew Chris will remember him as one of the most kind, sincere and genuine attorneys we have ever had in the worker’s compensation Bar. Personally, I worked with Chris for over 6 years, and he was an immense influence in helping demonstrate how to practice law vigorously in defense of a client, yet in a compassionate and collegial manner. Having known Chris for 27 years, I never once heard him raise his voice or make any case personal among the parties or other attorneys. I will miss his laugh, his warm nature and his friendship.

Chris was a long-standing friend to IWCI and the worker’s compensation community in general. He presented at a number of IWCI seminars over the years and was a mainstay at our Annual Conference. If you did not know Chris personally, you definitely saw him around. If you did know Chris, you will miss him dearly.

Please join the IWCI Board in remembering our friend Chris Cross, and please keep his family in your thoughts. For those who are interested, his services are Friday, October 4, 2024. Details on arrangements can be found at the link below:

Farewell Chris. We will miss you.

Steve Koers, IWCI President- October 3, 2024

Posted on June 14th, 2024 in Message from the President

I have always loved baseball. I grew up with the Chicago Cubs always on TV, I played in little leagues, All-Star and Pony leagues (way back before travel ball was a thing) and high school. My roommates in college played on the team and I just never lost my joy for the game. Much of it is just that it encompasses so much of what the summer is all about, and that sheer optimism and hope for what lies ahead. Now that baseball is back in season, it just feels like things are getting back to normal. The weather is getting warmer, plants are growing and joy and optimism for the future months are expanding. Setting aside that the runner above technically should have been out, but the way he used his helmet to touch the base just made me smile for a moment! That’s the joy of baseball and the anticipation of what might be next.

With that context, I just wanted to touch base and let you all know what is happening around the diamond at the IWCI and what is rounding third and racing for home.

We are rolling out some new content where we will highlight an IWCI Board Member so you can all get to know us a little better! We also plan on providing updated information on all future events for each of our Chapters. Please keep an eye out for this information!

As we mentioned in the last newsletter, the Northeast Chapter has re-started operations and has had a few very successful events so far. Keep looking out for emails from the NE President, Jordan Tait.

In more Board news, please join me in welcoming Angela Elkins and Andrea Grubb as our newest IWCI Board members! They have already been to a couple meetings, and we love their input. As a reminder, if you are interested in joining the Board and helping with our programming, please login into the Member section of and submit a Board Application.

Finally, on the Board member front, we are sad to report that our Treasurer and (at least two time) past President Vernon Poland has announced his pending retirement and resignation from the Board. Vernon has been an extremely valuable and dedicated member of the Board for so many years. I know he has always been valuable in providing any guidance and assistance I have needed and has served so many different roles. It is rare for someone to volunteer so much to an organization, and we have been very blessed to have Vernon’s steady hand for so many years. We will miss you Vernon and thank you so much for all your incredible years of making the IWCI a better place!

Additionally, we are proud to announce the Dr. Courtney Johnson will assume the role of Vice President of the IWCI and will become our next President in August of 2025! With Vernon leaving us, Dr. Bob Gregori will also take over as our new Treasurer. Please join us in welcoming Courtney and Bob to these new roles!

We also have some excellent events upcoming, so mark your calendars!

You should be seeing emails in support of the 2024 IWCI Golf Outing on June 21, 2024, once again at Ironwood. Who will win the Coriden Cup this year? I know I want it back! Get those teams ready and please consider sponsoring a hole and joining in on the fun.

Our Annual Conference will once again be held at the Marriott North at Keystone at the Crossing. This year it will take place on August 8 and 9, 2024. We have an excellent slate of topics and some very entertaining speakers and are finalizing our agenda at this moment. Please look out for more information in the coming weeks.

We are also working on another fun event in the Fall. I’m not ready to announce that one yet, but we are looking at a fun and unique get together. We also are planning on a Holiday get together sometime in early December, so watch for more information.

Finally, we have a Membership Committee looking into some exciting additions to member benefits, including updating our website. We haven’t touched that in a few years, and it is time to add some new content. Also, any and all suggestions are always welcome.

Thank you for circling the bases with us. We hope to see you all at one or more of our events soon!







Steve Koers

IWCI President

Posted on January 21st, 2024 in Message from the President


Reflections…and Anticipations

The end of every year is always a time to reflect on the events of the past and to look forward to new opportunities. What I take away from 2023 is that it was a year where we began to return to some sense of normalcy. Many businesses and employers are still being cautious, but we continue to see greater turnout at our IWCI and industry events. We hope that this trend continues and that we all able to increase our social and professional experiences together in 2024!

The greatest challenge the IWCI Board faced in the beginning of 2023 was that the world was just not yet ready to jump back into a full calendar of events. There was, and to a substantial degree still is, a reluctance to return to events with large attendance. However, as the year has progressed, we have seen significant growth in interest and attendance at events. While we are not back to pre-pandemic levels, the IWCI Board has been extremely pleased with the increasing enthusiasm.

In looking back at 2023, it seems our themes turned out to be transition and growth. The beginning of 2023 saw the Board add two new members to our ranks, when the Board approved the applications of Dr. Courtney Johnson and Rachel Miller. Both Courtney and Rachel have been excellent additions, bringing new perspectives and ideas. This is also a good time to remind everyone that if you are interested in joining the Board and helping with our programming, please login into the Member section of and submit a Board Application.

As far as events, the Board started cautiously, respecting the concerns of employers with sending employees to public meetings. On April 27, the Board hosted a Webinar on PPI ratings, presented by Dr. Gregori, which drew better than expected attendance. Moreover, we learned from feedback that our members desired more in person contact, when possible.

That sentiment was never more true than at our annual IWCI Coriden Cup Golf Outing at Ironwood GC on June 23. We saw near record turnout, and everyone had a fun time with beautiful weather. We are already looking forward to next year. The excitement continued with our Annual Conference on August 8-9 at the Marriott North. Once again, we saw increased attendance and we heard so many great compliments on the speakers and agenda. If you have ideas for topics for next year, please let us know, as we want to make sure we serve the needs of everyone.

In addition, in September we saw the Northeast Chapter of the IWCI re-started operations. If you are in that area and would like to contribute to that Chapter, please contact the new NE President Jordan Tait at ( I know Jordan and his committee are hard at work planning events and would love any assistance and participation. Also, if you are in the Northwest area, we are still looking for interested people to re-start the NW Chapter’s activities. Please feel free to reach out to any Board member and we can help start that process.

We also have been hard at work planning for our Annual Holiday Party set for next Thursday, December 7, 2023. While last year we had a successful speaker and cocktail party, we continued to hear that people wanted to interact more. The Board has heard those desires and has scheduled a cocktail hour and Monte Carlo night at the Marriott North. The Sertoma Club is manning the casino tables and donating proceeds from the event, so please come out and help this worthy cause. There is still time to sign up and we hope to see you there! Let’s continue to build upon this momentum and close out 2023 in style!

While 2023 has been a great year, we were all saddened by the loss of our dear friend Terry Coriden on April 25. Terry’s impact on the Indiana worker’s compensation community was immense, and his presence will be greatly missed. Our friends at Kid’s Chance held a memorial service the night before the IWCI Golf Outing and raised an unbelievable amount of money in his honor. Terry’s presence was definitely felt at his namesake Coriden Cup…especially when his brother-in-law hit a hole in one at the event! We will miss you Terry.

I also want to take a moment to thank Dr. Greg Hale for his many years of incredible contributions to IWCI. Dr. Hale has informed us that he will be retiring from the IWCI Board at the end of 2023. The Indiana Psychology Board has asked him to be its Chairman and those duties, along with his practice, will take much of his time. Dr. Hale has been a true pillar of the IWCI, as he was involved in the early days of the IWCI dating to 1991, and officially joined the Board in 2010. Dr. Hale has not only served a couple terms as President of IWCI, but he has been a trusted mentor and friend to all of us on the Board. The IWCI would not be the same without his incredible efforts. Personally, Greg has been a huge influence on me, and I have come to rely on his advice. I will miss you my friend, as will everyone. I know Dr. Hale will continue to attend our events, including the Holiday Party next week. Please stop by and join us to congratulate Dr. Hale on his new position and wish him well.

While 2023 has been a year of transition and growth, we are even more excited for the opportunities that 2024 holds. The Board is looking to add more events and to expand on those successful traditions. We are extremely excited to announce a new bowling event in April! Please be on the lookout for more information, but this is going to be a fun and exciting event.

We are currently in the early stages of planning other 2024 events for our members, including a Webinar for April, as well as a Social Happy Hour in May. Mark your calendars for the 2024 Golf Outing on June 21, 2024, once again at Ironwood. Get those teams ready to take home the Coriden Cup! We have also already booked the Annual Conference for August 3-4, 2024, so once again let us know of any topics you would like us to consider. Later in 2024, we are looking at either a Webinar or other function in October, and plan to close 2024 out with our Annual Holiday Party, perhaps bringing back a more formal event if there is significant interest.

Just as 2023 allowed us to increase our functions and events, we really do anticipate expanding on those events in 2024. We are excited for our coming agenda and really hope to provide even more great programming in the new year. Please feel free to reach out and let us know what you would like to see us do more of to serve the IWCI. Here’s to remembering an encouraging 2023 and to anticipating the even better celebrations of 2024!

Steve Koers | IWCI President

Posted on March 2nd, 2021 in Message from the President

Like many, I ushered in 2021 by saying good riddance to 2020! It was an unmeasured year presenting many obstacles and a “new normal” that we all hope is temporary. I would like to thank our members and sponsors for supporting our abbreviated educational schedule last year. We are cancelling our educational luncheons through the Spring of 2021. We will finalize plans for activities in the second half of the year, when COVID abates.
IWCI is pleased to announce that we will host an educational webinar on March, 4 2021, COVID in the Workplace. The agenda will include 4 speakers; a physician, an attorney, the Indiana Work Comp Board and a Master Work Comp Advisor. We plan to discuss COVID exposure and risk, claim history (to date), legal aspects and clinically what is being noted to include a discussion regarding Long COVID and how to treat the associated myriad of symptoms. The webinar will conclude with a panel discussion designed to address attendee questions. Stay tuned – more details will be posted on our website soon!

As we welcome a fresh, new year – may we all look forward to once again gathering together. I’m hopeful that we are able to resume our August seminar, whether in-person, remote or a hybrid event. Please know that the IWCI Board will work diligently to renew our educational efforts in a safe and fun way!

My parting thought for you…
Two years after the end of World War I and the last Pandemic (Spanish Flu), America ushered in the ‘Roaring 20’s’. Culture, media and the role of women in society revolutionized during this decade . The economy was booming! Let us have faith that history does tend to repeat, and the remainder of this decade will rock and roll!

Dr. Robert Gregori
IWCI President

Posted on September 14th, 2020 in Message from the President

With Labor Day, comes the end of summer and recognition that this year, like all others, has been flying past us.  Even though we were locked down for months and emerged wearing masks and social distancing, time has not slowed down.  Many of us have endured hardships and some of us, illness or worse.  At IWCI this year, we too have been managing without.  We cancelled most of our luncheons, our annual seminar, and the holiday party.

As many of you know, we normally host our Annual Golf Outing in June.  We elected to postpone the event this year for obvious reasons.  Fortunately, the COVID State numbers are starting to fall, and Golf venues have successfully been open for months.  Therefore, we are excited to report that on October 2nd we will be hosting the IWCI annual golf event.  This year will feature the addition of the Coriden Cup, which will be presented to the winner of the golf outing.  The event honors a long time IWCI supporter and attorney, Terry Coriden.  The players will compete for the trophy, which the winner will hold until the following year.  The winner’s names will be permanently engraved on the trophy.

We recently opened registration and are happy to note many sponsorship spots have been taken.  However, we still need golfers!  So please support this years IWCI’s main event and sponsor a hole or register a foursome to golf for the honors of being the first winner of the Coriden Cup.  This year’s theme is “Legends in Sports”.  Participants are encouraged to dress as their favorite sports legend (please see our website for details).

Other events that are still on the schedule this year include a luncheon on October 15th at the Ritz Charles, featuring spine surgeon, David Schwartz, M.D. with Ortho Indy.  On November 5th, the Indiana Work Comp Board will be speaking on EDI update, claim filings/COVID, legislative updates and PPIs.  We hope to have many attend these luncheons live but the presentation will be available as a webinar for those not ready to venture out.  The North West Chapter also has a webinar on September 23rd featuring Dr. Khanna (Spine) and one on Ethics in October (see website for details).

We hope to see you at this year’s golf outing and have every intention of resuming a full schedule of pre-COVID IWCI events, conditions permitting, as we move into 2021.  I am also hopeful that next year will be less stressful and a bit more normal.  Please stay safe.  I look forward to seeing you all in the near future!

Posted on August 24th, 2020 in Message from the President

One year ago, a viral pandemic of COVID’s magnitude was predicted by only a few virologists.  Although I recognized this potential, it was only a fleeting occasional thought.  This time of year, typically brings IWCIs annual seminar where many of us gather to be educated or catch up with old friends.  We would have already had 2 to 3 educational luncheons and been chatting about who had the longest drive at the Golf Outing, months before.  Well, as we all know, this year has been much different.  Who would have thought we would be wearing face masks for much of our waking hours or having to social distance when partaking in social activities?  Many of us are now working from home and the only happy hours we get to enjoy are virtual.  My educational engagements this year have been conducted online and many others postponed or cancelled.

I am once again saddened to report that your IWCI Board recently elected to cancel this years Holiday Party.  There was unanimous agreement that we could not safely host an indoor event with hundreds of people.  However, we did feel that an outdoor event where people could social distance posed much less risk and as such, we are moving forward with plans to host the IWCI Golf Outing on October 2nd.  As this will likely be our only major event of the year, we are encouraging our sponsors to consider supporting this event.  As a business owner, I realize budgets are tight, but I also believe that the educational opportunities that are central to IWCI’s mission provide a vital resource for work comp community.  For those businesses that are weathering the storm, I would kindly ask that you continue your sponsorship of IWCI in order to help us be able to provide the same great opportunities to our members that they have enjoyed in the past.  I am hopeful that we will have plenty golfers out enforce to compete for the first Coriden Cup.  Stay tuned for the registration link that will soon be available on our website.

We are still scheduled for luncheons at the Ritz Charles October 15th and November 5th.  Dr. Schwartz will present on Spine Surgery in October and the WCB will be addressing questions raised in the recent survey to members at the November event.  We all miss the camaraderie of our group events but we are hopeful that next year we may return to some sense of normalcy.

Dr. Robert Gregori

IWCI President

Posted on June 10th, 2020 in Message from the President

Most of you are likely starting to resume a few activities outside your home, but are still cautious about fully normalizing your day to day schedule.  We are certainly not at the end of the road, but I am optimistic that soon we will once again be able to enjoy things like sporting events, concerts or going to the movies.  As I last reported, we were eager to resume our June and August IWCI events, potentially with the addition of a virtual component.  However, after much deliberation and diligence, the IWCI Board has elected to cancel the June luncheon and the August Seminar.

We appreciate the feedback many of our members provided.  Although a handful were eager to attend a live event, many were not ready or allowed to by their employers.  Some of our speakers also expressed concern about attending a live group event.  In addition, sponsor attendance and thus, their financial support, was on shaky ground.  Lastly, the costs to host a virtual event would almost double our expense and was somewhat prohibitive.  Given all of these factors, the IWCI Board felt the most prudent decision was to cancel the Annual Seminar.

On an optimistic note, we have decided to reschedule the June luncheon to October.  The IWCI website will be updated soon with the specific date. If you previously registered to hear Dr. Schwartz speak on “Spine – Surgical Decision Making in Work Comp”, we would ask that you remain patient as we anticipate his presentation will be just as exceptional this fall.  Although cancelling the ‘big event” this summer was a very tough decision, know that we are committed to our members and need to keep everyone’s health front and center.

As disappointing as this news may seem, I would remind you that our Golf Outing is scheduled for October 2nd with a theme of “Legends in Sports”.  In addition, this will be the inaugural “Coriden Cup” in honor of attorney Terry Coriden.  I am assured that this year’s winners will not only have bragging rights but also their names engraved onto this trophy recognizing Terry and his years of service in the workers comp community. We are also actively planning the Holiday Party, which promises to be another great time at the Columbia Club Friday December 4th.

We will miss seeing many of you over the next couple of months but that will make our reunions in October all the more special.  Thank you in advance for supporting IWCI during these unusual times.

Robert Gregori, M.D.
IWCI President


Posted on May 14th, 2020 in Message from the President

Equanimity: A good word anytime, but especially now.

For those of you who practice meditation, the word equanimity is part of your vocabulary.  As I try to start my day with a dedicated time for mindfulness, I often hear those guiding my breath using this word.  Equanimity is the ability to maintain an evenness of mind, especially under stress.  Getting through these times, maintaining calm can be challenging.  Pause and take a deep breath as we start to get to the other side of this pandemic.

I am sure most of you have experienced virtual meetings like Zoom with colleagues or friends as a way to maintain some social connectedness.  The IWCI Board has used this tool to meet and plan our course in these uncertain times.  We held off on hard decisions but feel we have a good plan for future IWCI events that we can now share.  Our goal is to offer these events in the safest possible manner that follows the Federal, State and Local guidelines.

For those of you registered for the luncheon with Dr. Schwartz postponed due to COVID-19, we are hoping to have the event as planned, on June 25, 2019, at the Ritz Charles.  I am assured from the venue that they can accommodate us, making sure to space seating so that appropriate social distancing can be maintained.  However, for those of you preferring to stay home, we will also offer a live stream of the event so you can “virtually” attend.  In the next few days, those that have registered will receive a survey regarding their preference so we can adequately prepare.

I hope most of you have blocked your schedule for our Annual Seminar on August 13th and 14th at the Eastside Marriott.  We have an agenda packed with informative medical and legal topics.  We are also pleased to announce the Indiana Work Comp Board will again participate this year. Currently, we are planning a live event with a virtual attendance option.  Recognizing we cannot predict the future, we are planning to have CEU credits available regardless of the meeting format.  The Marriott also assures me they will do everything in their power to ensure safety of their guests and staff.  Hopefully, three months from now we will all be comfortable attending an event of that size.

For those who participate in our Annual Golf outing, please note this year’s event will be postponed until October 2nd.  Our Holiday Party is still scheduled for December 4th at the Columbia Club.  Although many of these dates are months down the road, hopefully they give everyone something to look forward to.  While we are all eager to gradually resume some form of normalcy, we recognize we must all continue to do our part to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.  I am hopeful that scientific research being conducted today will help us to minimize future effects of this devastating virus.  Hopefully, we will be better prepared for what lies ahead of us and can face any challenges to come with equanimity.

Dr. Robert Gregori

IWCI President

Posted on March 13th, 2020 in Message from the President

Fellow IWCI Members,

Like many other organizations, we have elected to scale back activities in the near future to be proactive in our efforts to slow the spread of this pandemic virus.  For years, the medical community has discussed the inevitable expectation of a pandemic virus of significant consequence.  Clearly, it is difficult to be fully prepared for such an event.  While it is important not to let fear overwhelm our ability to make rational decisions, caution and safety must be paramount.  We are all very much impacted by COVID-19 whether exposed or merely affected by the social impact.  We are doing our small part to keep our members safe by cancelling next week’s Indy and Northwest luncheons.  Fortunately, Dr. Schwartz understands our decision and kindly offered to reschedule the event.  We are looking at potential dates in May or June, should the venue be available, and we will keep you all posted regarding specifics.  The Northwest luncheon will not be rescheduled.

I trust all of us can do our part to help contain this virus, so in the next month or two our lives may regain normally.  There is value in experience, and I trust we will be better prepared for future incidents.  I am hopeful that we can all stay safe and find some hope knowing that this too shall pass.

Posted on February 24th, 2020 in Message from the President

As January flew by, we saw little snow and barely as much sunshine.  So, I will attempt to brighten your day with a few positive thoughts.  We are less than 40 days away form the first day of spring, gaining almost 2 minutes of daylight each day!  To celebrate

the end of winter, we have scheduled our next luncheon for Thursday, March 19th.  Dr. David Schwartz, spine surgeon with OrthoIndy, will be educating us on spinal injuries and when to consider surgical treatment.

In addition, I am excited to report that our Annual Seminar is scheduled for August 13th and 14th at the Marriott East.  We are finalizing the agenda and plan to repeat the format that was popular last year.  We are again collaborating with the Indiana Work Comp Board, as they will be presenting on legislative and procedural updates to include a lively discussion on EDI and the forms that accompany claims.  We have several surgeons updating us on spine, shoulders and knees.  We will have a presentation on bad faith and another on ethics in the workplace.  We are also going to cover mild TBI/Concussions and include a presentation on when and how a neuropsychological consult can help manage an injured worker.  Due to many of your requests, we will have our first presentation on marijuana and CBD, titled “Purple Haze”.  Lastly, our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Jennifer Christian, will be entertaining us over the lunch hour.  In her presentation, “Words Matter”, she will give us pointers and insights on communicating with others.  Be sure to put this enjoyable, 2-day event on your calendar!

Lastly, I want to thank Dr. Dion Chavis and all of you that attended our luncheon last week.  We had over 50 members gather for what proved to be an lively discussion on upper extremity injuries.  The IWCI Board is working hard to provide another year of educational opportunities for our members so that as a work comp “family”, we can provide appropriate, quality care to the injured workers of Indiana.

So, don’t put those heavy winter coats away just yet, but keep smiling, as there will be more sunshine and longer days to enjoy in the weeks ahead!  I look forward to seeing you all in March.