Posted on June 14th, 2024 in Message from the President

I have always loved baseball. I grew up with the Chicago Cubs always on TV, I played in little leagues, All-Star and Pony leagues (way back before travel ball was a thing) and high school. My roommates in college played on the team and I just never lost my joy for the game. Much of it is just that it encompasses so much of what the summer is all about, and that sheer optimism and hope for what lies ahead. Now that baseball is back in season, it just feels like things are getting back to normal. The weather is getting warmer, plants are growing and joy and optimism for the future months are expanding. Setting aside that the runner above technically should have been out, but the way he used his helmet to touch the base just made me smile for a moment! That’s the joy of baseball and the anticipation of what might be next.

With that context, I just wanted to touch base and let you all know what is happening around the diamond at the IWCI and what is rounding third and racing for home.

We are rolling out some new content where we will highlight an IWCI Board Member so you can all get to know us a little better! We also plan on providing updated information on all future events for each of our Chapters. Please keep an eye out for this information!

As we mentioned in the last newsletter, the Northeast Chapter has re-started operations and has had a few very successful events so far. Keep looking out for emails from the NE President, Jordan Tait.

In more Board news, please join me in welcoming Angela Elkins and Andrea Grubb as our newest IWCI Board members! They have already been to a couple meetings, and we love their input. As a reminder, if you are interested in joining the Board and helping with our programming, please login into the Member section of and submit a Board Application.

Finally, on the Board member front, we are sad to report that our Treasurer and (at least two time) past President Vernon Poland has announced his pending retirement and resignation from the Board. Vernon has been an extremely valuable and dedicated member of the Board for so many years. I know he has always been valuable in providing any guidance and assistance I have needed and has served so many different roles. It is rare for someone to volunteer so much to an organization, and we have been very blessed to have Vernon’s steady hand for so many years. We will miss you Vernon and thank you so much for all your incredible years of making the IWCI a better place!

Additionally, we are proud to announce the Dr. Courtney Johnson will assume the role of Vice President of the IWCI and will become our next President in August of 2025! With Vernon leaving us, Dr. Bob Gregori will also take over as our new Treasurer. Please join us in welcoming Courtney and Bob to these new roles!

We also have some excellent events upcoming, so mark your calendars!

You should be seeing emails in support of the 2024 IWCI Golf Outing on June 21, 2024, once again at Ironwood. Who will win the Coriden Cup this year? I know I want it back! Get those teams ready and please consider sponsoring a hole and joining in on the fun.

Our Annual Conference will once again be held at the Marriott North at Keystone at the Crossing. This year it will take place on August 8 and 9, 2024. We have an excellent slate of topics and some very entertaining speakers and are finalizing our agenda at this moment. Please look out for more information in the coming weeks.

We are also working on another fun event in the Fall. I’m not ready to announce that one yet, but we are looking at a fun and unique get together. We also are planning on a Holiday get together sometime in early December, so watch for more information.

Finally, we have a Membership Committee looking into some exciting additions to member benefits, including updating our website. We haven’t touched that in a few years, and it is time to add some new content. Also, any and all suggestions are always welcome.

Thank you for circling the bases with us. We hope to see you all at one or more of our events soon!







Steve Koers

IWCI President